Why does my baby get diaper rash so frequently?

It’s both frustrating and concerning: Your baby’s diaper rash clears up and then, before you know it, shows up again — despite your best efforts at keeping your baby’s bottom clean and dry. Why won’t the rash go away for good? There are a few possible reasons, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Antibiotics. Babies taking some prescription antibiotics are at increased risk for two types of diaper rash: diarrhea rash and yeast rash. In addition, if you are breastfeeding and on antibiotics, this could possibly be the cause of your baby’s diaper rash.

Starting on solid foods. This milestone in your baby’s diet can cause changes in the digestive process and the frequency and content of bowel movements, which can lead to diaper rash.

Switching brands of diapers or wipes. Dyes, preservatives or fragrances in certain diapers, creams and wipes could cause an allergic reaction in your baby. Try another brand and see if your baby’s rash clears up.

Cloth diapers not getting clean enough in the wash. Just tossing soiled diapers in the laundry may not get them clean enough to protect your baby from diaper rash. Always pre-soak soiled diapers after discarding the stool into the toilet. Use hot water and double rinse each batch, and skip the fabric softeners and anti-static products as these can cause a rash on sensitive skin.

Too-tight diapers. If your baby’s diapers are too tight, they can trap moisture, which can cause diaper rash. Tight diapers can also cause rubbing and irritation. If the elastic on your baby’s diaper leaves red marks on the skin, fasten it more loosely or start them on a larger size. Change your baby’s diapers every three to four hours or whenever they are soiled to help prevent most diaper rashes.

The “bottom” line

If your best efforts fail to clear up your baby’s recurring rashes, talk with your pediatrician.

James Harper

We’re going to say bizarre means different. And we will always strive to make our work unique, innovative, and very interesting. From telling a complete story on a package to elements in a brand that showcase the heart-felt reason our clients followed their passions to pursue their dreams, we want to make sure your brand feels special.

We have created, named, and designed brands in so many unique categories nothing feels out of our comfort zone. From Ham in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to Cannabis in the midwest, Harper’s Bizarre crafts everything from the position to the package.


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