3 tips to keep kids active and safe while you work from home

Many people now work from home due to the pandemic. This means parents have time to be with their kids throughout the day. However, working parents also need to keep up with work schedules and complete work as expected. This may be difficult with children who want and need attention. Luckily, there are ways to keep kids active and safe as you work. Here are several things to try.

1. Introduce outdoor activities

Organized team sports that are outside can keep your children active and socially engaged. Though you may not be able to get much work done at a baseball diamond or soccer pitch, these activities will help your children burn their access energy in a productive way. This gives you a chance to get some quality quiet time to work once everyone is home and cleaned up.If team sports in your area have been canceled due to the pandemic, you may be at a loss for what to have your kids do. It’s still important for them to get outside. So here are some activities they can do alone or with friends or siblings:

  • Bike rides
  • Tennis
  • Hide and seek
  • Jump rope
  • Twirl a Hula Hoop
  • Family walks
  • Skateboarding

2. Take your kids to parks and playgrounds

Parks and playgrounds are open, but you still want to be careful to ensure your child’s health and safety. Look for the less crowded areas where your children will play freely and comfortably without risk of contracting the virus. Consider places that are practicing social distancing and other safety measures.Find a nice bench or picnic table to sit at that still has a line of sight to where your kids are playing, use your cell phone as a hot spot if you need internet, and try to get a few things done for work.

3. Have them play indoor games

Activities such as playing an online game or watching videos on YouTube can keep children occupied for long stretches but won’t get them moving. Perhaps you’re trying to limit screen time as well, making playing an indoor game a better option. Have your kids give these a try:

  • Charades
  • Simon Says
  • Freeze dance
  • Build a fort
  • Walk like different animals and race
  • Turn any sport indoor friendly by replacing the ball with a balloon
  • Create an obstacle course from household items

Bonus: Doing chores around the house can be made into a fun experience for kids. Crank up the music and have them sing and dance while they complete each task.

Help kids stay safe and active

Using the above tips, you can help your kids stay physically active as you work from home. To learn more about keeping your kids healthy and safe no matter the circumstances, take a look at our blog for a variety of resources. If your child is due for a wellness checkup or is feeling under the weather, contact us today to schedule an appointment!

James Harper

We’re going to say bizarre means different. And we will always strive to make our work unique, innovative, and very interesting. From telling a complete story on a package to elements in a brand that showcase the heart-felt reason our clients followed their passions to pursue their dreams, we want to make sure your brand feels special.

We have created, named, and designed brands in so many unique categories nothing feels out of our comfort zone. From Ham in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to Cannabis in the midwest, Harper’s Bizarre crafts everything from the position to the package.


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